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Who We Are

Situated at the centre of the town of Plympton, on the outskirts of the city of Plymouth, Ridgeway Methodist Church is an active, growing, Bible-based church with a welcome for all ages and a heart for it's community.

Our Mission

Ridgeway Methodist Church exists to worship and glorify God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and to grow into a Kingdom community of Christ- followers who want to see lives changed and their community of  Plympton transformed.


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Our Vision

Our Vision is to Grow!


We want to be a welcoming, relevant, Christ-centred, Bible-based, Spirit-led Church.

Our vision is:
- To grow our worship to be accessible to families to encounter God
- To grow faith through preaching and teaching of the Bible
- To grow our members in living Holy Spirit-filled lives
- To grow our community connection supporting local needs
- To grow an extended friendship in the Name of Jesus to those in the
- To grow opportunities for people to come into fullness of life with Jesus
- To grow the Discipleship of our members in mission, nurture and pastoral care
- To grow an intentional evangelistic approach to all the people in the
groups meeting on the premises

Our Minister

Reverend Amanda Roper

Hi, I’m Amanda and I am in post in the lovely town of Ivybridge and now with Ridgeway as well.

Being Cornish born and bred, I am thrilled to be back living in the South West.


I was always aware of Jesus’s presence with me as a child, but came to fullness of faith in Him as a teenager.  I met and married Mark, who had just returned from spending some years on board the MV Logos evangelist ship, with Operation Mobilisation. Following his ordination to the Methodist ministry, we served the Church together in Basingstoke, Swindon and Greater Manchester. Along the way, we had two daughters, and I also completed my presbyteral training for ministry. Sadly Mark developed M.E. some years ago and so is no longer able to work, but writes poetry and is working on a novel, based on his family history. Rosie, a rescue pup from Bosnia, now completes our family.


I like to craft, love baking and enjoy watching movies. Being with my family, however, is still my favourite way of spending time. The other thing you need to know about me is that Jesus means everything to me!  He is my foundation, and my hope and joy.  My prayer is for His Holy Spirit to be poured out in fresh and creative ways, so that individuals will be healed, delivered and saved; and that communities will be transformed by the power of His love. Having just completed seven years looking after a cluster of churches in East Sussex, I am delighted to be working for and serving the Lord in Devon, and look forward to all that Jesus will do in our midst

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